News Archive – Meetings

September 17, 2022 – Our first RMM 

BIG THANKS to all the members!!! The number of attendees are 86.


May 30,2022: June Meeting Notice

Please see the above notice for June’s RMM. The Next Meeting Notice is available on our Homepage & will be distributed via District email next week.

A reminder that Saturday June 11 is not only our RMM but is also Local 520’s Yearly Election Meeting.


June 2022 Meetings

Our monthly Executive Meeting will be Saturday June 11 at 8am.

Our monthly Regular Membership Meeting will be Saturday June 11 at 930am.

New Members please arrive at 9am for registration.

Nominations will be accepted & elections will occur for President, Secretary Treasurer, Social Chair, H&S Chair, 3-Year Trustee.

Coffee & snacks will be available during the meeting. Lunch will be available after the meeting, as our tradition following yearly elections returns after its COVID hiatus.

Our cash draw sits at $120 this month, PLUS draws for other Local 520 swag.

Please make time to take care of the business of your Union. It’s only once per month, 10 times per year, for a couple of hours (including your travel time).

We literally cannot do it without you.

See the Homepage of this website for all meeting details.


May 10,2022: May RMM Notice

The May 2022 Next Meeting Notice should be in your District email inbox today.

See also the “May 2022 Meetings” notice just above, on this page.


May 2022 Meetings

Our monthly Executive Meeting will be Saturday May 14 at 8am.

Our monthly Regular Membership Meeting will be Saturday May 14 at 930am.

New Members please arrive at 9am for registration.

Nominations will be accepted for Local 520’s yearly elections in June, which this year include President, Secretary Treasurer, Social Chair, H&S Chair, 3-Year Trustee.

Coffee & snacks will be available during the meeting.


Our cash draw re-starts at $100 this month,  PLUS draws for other Local 520 swag.

Please make time to take care of the business of your Union. It’s only once per month, 10 times per year, for a couple of hours (including your travel time).

We literally cannot do it without you.

See the Homepage of this website for all meeting details.


Mar 30,2022: April Meetings – update (Tentative & subject to change)

Our monthly Executive Meeting will be Saturday April 09 at 8am.

Our monthly Regular Membership Meeting will be Saturday April 09 at 930am.

New Members please arrive at 9am for registration.

Coffee & snacks will be available during the meeting.

Our cash draw sits at $160 this month,  PLUS draws for other Local 520 swag.

Please make time to take care of the business of your Union. It’s only once per month, 10 times per year, for a couple of hours (including your travel time).

We literally cannot do it without you.

See the Homepage of this website for all meeting details.


April 2022 Meetings

Our monthly Executive Meeting will be Saturday April 09 at 8am.

Our monthly Regular Membership Meeting will be Saturday April 09 at 930am.

New Members please arrive at 9am for registration.

We currently have a vacancy on the Executive for Social Chair. Nominations & elections will be held each RMM for those interested until the position is filled.

In order to run for Executive positions, you must be a Member in Good Standing having attended 6 of the last 10 RMMs held (including the RMM in which you choose to accept the nomination). Due to issues with COVID & overall attendance, the “10 meetings” in consideration stretch all the way back to October of 2020.

Coffee & snacks will be available during the meeting.

Our cash draw sits at $160 this month,  PLUS draws for other Local 520 swag.

Please make time to take care of the business of your Union. It’s only once per month, 10 times per year, for a couple of hours (including your travel time).

We literally cannot do it without you.

See the Homepage of this website for all meeting details.


March 2022 Meetings

*We have an important item that we cannot move forward without quorum & Membership vote. We will be reviewing our Bargaining Proposals & seeking ratification of same from the Membership before going into negotiations with the District. It is extremely important that we have enough attendance this month in order to move these items forward.*

Our monthly Executive Meeting will be Saturday March 12 at 8am.

Our monthly Regular Membership Meeting will be Saturday March 12 at 930am.

New Members please arrive at 9am for registration.

We currently have a vacancy on the Executive for Social Chair. Nominations & elections will be held each RMM for those interested until the position is filled.

In order to run for Executive positions, you must be a Member in Good Standing having attended 6 of the last 10 RMMs held (including the RMM in which you choose to accept the nomination). Due to issues with COVID & overall attendance, the “10 meetings” in consideration stretch all the way back to September of 2020.

Coffee & snacks will be available during the meeting.

Our cash draw sits at $140 this month,  PLUS draws for other Local 520 swag.

Please make time to take care of the business of your Union. It’s only once per month, 10 times per year, for a couple of hours (including your travel time).

We literally cannot do it without you.

See the Homepage of this website for all meeting details.


February 2022 Meetings

*We have a few important items that we cannot move forward without quorum & Membership vote. It is extremely important that we have enough attendance this month in order to move these items off the agenda*

Our monthly Executive Meeting will be Saturday February 12 at 8am.

Our monthly Regular Membership Meeting will be Saturday February 12 at 930am.

New Members please arrive at 9am for registration.

We currently have vacancies on the Executive for Social Chair & H&S Chair. Nominations & elections will be held each RMM for those interested until the positions are filled.

In order to run for Executive positions, you must be a Member in Good Standing having attended 6 of the last 10 RMMs held (including the RMM in which you choose to accept the nomination). Due to issues with COVID & overall attendance, the “10 meetings” in consideration stretch all the way back to March of 2020.

Coffee & snacks will be available during the meeting.

Our cash draw sits at $120 this month,  PLUS draws for other Local 520 swag.

Please make time to take care of the business of your Union. It’s only once per month, 10 times per year, for a couple of hours (including your travel time).


Jan 08,2022: January RMM

This month’s Regular Membership Meeting did not achieve quorum, once again.

The Local is basically stuck in neutral on many items that require Membership approval by quorum vote. We also remain 2 Executive Officers short as we cannot hold elections without quorum. It is also not possible to even set up a Social Committee without the vote & participation of willing Members.

It is critical that this situation resolves itself by the February 12th RMM


January 2022 Meetings

Our monthly Executive Meeting will be Saturday January 8 at 8am.

Our monthly Regular Membership Meeting will be Saturday January 8 at 930am.

New Members please arrive at 9am for registration.

We currently have vacancies on the Executive for Social Chair & H&S Chair. Nominations & elections will be held each RMM for those interested until the positions are filled.

In order to run for Executive positions, you must be a Member in Good Standing having attended 6 of the last 10 RMMs held (including the RMM in which you choose to accept the nomination). Due to issues with COVID & overall attendance, the “10 meetings” in consideration stretch all the way back to March of 2020.

Coffee & snacks will be available during the meeting.

Our cash draw sits at $120 this month,  PLUS draws for other Local 520 swag.

Please make time to take care of the business of your Union. It’s only once per month, 10 times per year, for a couple of hours (including your travel time).

We literally cannot do it without you.

See the Homepage of this website for all meeting details.


December 2021 Meetings

Our monthly Executive Meeting will be Saturday December 11 at 8am.

Our monthly Regular Membership Meeting will be Saturday December 11 at 930am.

New Members please arrive at 9am for registration.

We currently have vacancies on the Executive for Social Chair & H&S Chair. Nominations & elections will be held each RMM for those interested until the positions are filled.

In order to run for Executive positions, you must be a Member in Good Standing having attended 6 of the last 10 RMMs held (including the RMM in which you choose to accept the nomination).

For December, we have the long awaited return of coffee & snacks at the Hall.

Our cash draw sits at $120 this month,  PLUS draws for other Local 520 swag.

Please make time to take care of the business of your Union. It’s only once per month, 10 times per year, for a couple of hours (including your travel time).

We literally cannot do it without you.

See the Homepage of this website for all meeting details.


November 2021 Meetings

Our monthly Executive Meeting will be Saturday November 13 at 8am.

Our monthly Regular Membership Meeting will be Saturday November 13 at 930am.

New Members please arrive at 9am for registration.

We currently have vacancies on the Executive for Social Chair & H&S Chair. Nominations & elections will be held each RMM for those interested until the positions are filled.

In order to run for Executive positions, you must be a Member in Good Standing having attended 6 of the last 10 RMMs held (including the RMM in which you choose to accept the nomination).

Change to RMM Cash Draw will be proposed for Membership vote next RMM. Motion to increase the minimum amount of the RMM Cash Draw to $100 following each time it is won.

RMM Draws for CUPE 520 Jackets were meant as a “one off” based on supplies on hand. If you win a jacket & we are out of the size you desire, you will receive a golf shirt & toque in lieu.

For the second month in a row, we did not achieve quorum for our October Monthly Regular Membership Meeting. We only need less than 10 Members plus the Executive to show up in order to have meetings. Without quorum, we cannot move forward on any item that requires a Membership vote or any elections of new Executive Members to fill vacancies.

Please make time to take care of the business of your Union. It’s only once per month, 10 times per year, for a couple of hours (including your travel time).

We literally cannot do it without you.

See the Homepage of this website for all meeting details.


Oct 16,2021: October RMM

For the second month in a row, we did not achieve quorum for our Monthly Regular Membership Meeting. We only need less than 10 Members plus the Executive to show up in order to have meetings. Without quorum, we cannot move forward on any item that requires a Membership vote or any elections of new Executive Members to fill vacancies.

Please make time to take care of the business of your Union. It’s only once per month, 10 times per year, for a couple of hours (including your travel time).

We literally cannot do it without you.


October 2021 Meetings

Our monthly Executive Meeting will be Saturday October 16 at 8am.

Our monthly Regular Membership Meeting will be Saturday October 16 at 930am.

New Members please arrive at 9am for registration.

We currently have vacancies on the Executive for Social Chair & H&S Chair. Nominations & elections will be held each RMM for those interested until the positions are filled.

In order to run for Executive positions, you must be a Member in Good Standing having attended 6 of the last 10 RMMs held (including the RMM in which you choose to accept the nomination).

See the Homepage of this website for all meeting details.


September 2021 Meetings

Our monthly Executive Meeting will be Saturday September 18 at 8am, immediately prior to the Regular Membership Meeting at 930am on the same date.

New Members please arrive at 9am for registration.

We currently have vacancies on the Executive for Social Chair & H&S Chair. Nominations & elections will be held each RMM for those interested until the positions are filled.

In order to run for Executive positions, you must be a Member in Good Standing having attended 6 of the last 10 RMMs held (including the RMM in which you choose to accept the nomination).

See the Homepage of this website for all meeting details.


Aug 19,2021: September Regular Membership & Executive Meetings

The September Meetings of CUPE 520 have been moved to Sept 18.

See our homepage for meeting details or to download your copy of the Next Meeting Notice.


June 2021 Meetings

Our monthly Executive Meeting will be Saturday June 12 at 8am, immediately prior to the Regular Membership Meeting at 930am on the same date.

June is ELECTION MONTH. Elections will be held during the June RMM for VP, RecSec, Warden & 1 Trustee position.

See the Homepage of this website for all meeting details.


May 2021 Meetings

Our monthly Executive Meeting will be Saturday May 15, immediately prior to the Regular Membership Meeting of the same date.

See the Homepage of this website for all meeting details.


Mar 30,2021: Executive Meetings moving forward

As L520’s Executive now includes 3 Members who generally work evening shift, the Executive Committee has opted to move away from our traditional Tuesday evening Monthly Executive Meeting, moving it instead to the time immediately prior to any Regular Membership Meeting, beginning in May 2021.

This move will save the Local almost $2500 per year in costs associated with reimbursing the employer for time taken as Union Business (known as “Booking-Off time”). The evening shift Executives also expressed concern with issues revolving around their reduced shift time when attending the Executive Meetings.

This voluntary move by the Executive Committee will solve both issues.


April 2021 Meetings

Our monthly Executive Meeting will be Tuesday April 6.

Our monthly Regular Membership Meeting happens on Saturday April 10.

See the Homepage of this website for all meeting details.


March 2021 Meetings

Our monthly Executive Meeting will be Tuesday March 9.

Our monthly Regular Membership Meeting happens on Saturday March 13.

See the Homepage of this website for all meeting details.


February 2021 Meetings

This month’s Executive Meeting will be held on Saturday Feb 20 at 8am, immediately prior to our Regular Membership Meeting on the same date.

Please see the Homepage of this website for meeting details.


January 2021 Meetings

Our monthly Executive Meeting will be this Tuesday.

Our monthly Regular Membership Meeting happens on Saturday.

See the Homepage of this website for all meeting details.


Dec 12,2020: December RMM CANCELLED

Unfortunately, we had to cancel our December Regular Membership Meeting at the last moment due to a scheduling conflict on usage of the Hall.

Our apologies to all who showed up but we were unaware CUPE 38 was using the Hall to distribute their children’s Christmas gifts…the Hall was literally filled with presents.

For the basics as to our “goings on” over the past month, go to the Members section to view the latest President’s Report & the Latest News section for all the latest updates & happenings.


Dec 07,2020: Important reminders for this week

Thank you to everyone who made it out to the Children’s Christmas Gift distribution this past Saturday, both Members & Executive elves alike. It was great to see everyone, albeit briefly.

Gifts not picked up have been donated to the Society of St Vincent De Paul for inclusion in their Christmas Hamper Program.

Our monthly Executive Meeting will be this Tuesday.

Our monthly Regular Membership Meeting happens on Saturday.

See the Homepage of this website for all meeting details.


Dec 03,2020: Our Meetings during COVID-19 are classified as BUSINESS

…& as such, have limited capacity by law. Our Hall can easily accommodate our normal expected turnout with social distancing, masks, & sanitization. Regular Meetings will continue unless further COVID restrictions render them infeasible.

To be clear, “business meetings” are NOT “social events”.

Our next Regular Membership Meeting is on Saturday Dec 12.

See the Homepage of this website for all meeting details.


Nov 08,2020: Reminders for the week

This week, our Monthly Executive Meeting goes on Tuesday.

Also, Saturday Nov 14 is our Regular Membership Meeting, 930am at the Union Offices. New Members please arrive at 9am for registration. You can download a copy of the Next Meeting Notice on the Home page.

Wednesday is REMEMBRANCE DAY. All District worksites are closed. Please remember to take time to remember those who paid the ultimate price to serve Canada & thank those that returned home, in your own way.